Bio – Laydee C
I have been listening to, buying and back in the day taping music since I was about 7 years old. Over the years my musical tastes hav changed but I still have an eclectic choice of tunes on vinyl, cd and believe it or not cassette tape but my love for the 50s and 60s is particularly strong. It is such a defining timeline in musical history.
I have been broadcasting via internet radio for the last 7 years or so, have all my own equipment and an ever burgeoning record collection, providing greatly received funds for record sellers I am sure!
I play everything from rockabilly to ballads and everything else in between and my shows should reflect that. It would be so difficult to pick my favourite track of all time so I won’t do that except to say that my favourite female artist of all time is Etta James and I can’t decide about a male artist or group.
It is an absolute joy to be joining Rockin247 Radio, where my love of Atlantic, Chess, VeeJay, King, Speciality and Sun is lived out on a daily basis. I look forward to interacting with you and already listen to some of you lovely people on a regular basis.
Facebook: Laydee Connoisseur